首页 学者 度 & 项目 护理,B.S.N. (加速第二学位)

护理,B.S.N. (加速第二学位)

Students who already have a bachelor’s degree can become a nurse in just 15个月.

Enroll in Immaculata大学’s accelerated second degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)项目.

获得B级的毕业生.S.N. 学位 potential for higher wages, better patient outcomes, and better job prospects 比没有护理学士学位的护士要多.






计划: 护理学学士(速成)
观众: 已取得学士学位的本科生
格式: 面对面的、基于队列的速成课程
下次开始日期: 每年一月都会有新的队列开始. 预科课程可以在一年中的任何时间进行.
成本: 35,240美元,包括学杂费
完成时间 15个月

"I chose Immaculata over other 学校 because of the relationship the nursing educators facilitated with their students. They invested their time and effort into making sure we had all the tools we needed to succeed in the 程序. 每个教授都只需要一封电子邮件, 他们帮助我走上了成为我想成为的护士的道路. 我觉得在我的同伴中有一个坚实的支持系统. 人们来自不同的背景, and it was nice to collaborate with people about what kind of nursing I wanted to pursue."


伊玛库拉塔有30年的护士教育历史. 学生在加速第二学位B.S.N. 项目获得以患者为中心,循证实践的熟练程度.


作为护士, 你将在医院等环境中有不同的就业机会, 医生的办公室, 家庭保健, 长期护理设施, 学校, 惩教设施, 军队和许多其他领域.


根据 U. S. 劳工和统计局从2021年到2031年,注册护士的就业预计将增长6%. 护士的平均年薪是77,600美元.

  • 15个月速成课程 每年1月开始
  • 高NCLEX首次通过率 -在2022-23学年, the NCLEX-RN® first-time pass rate of Immaculata大学’s nursing students was 97.92%
  • 学生有一个个人NCLEX成功教练来支持, 提供反馈, 并建议准备参加考试的学生
  • 屡获殊荣的整体护理教育,由美国整体护理协会认可
  • 新型护理模拟实验室 实践和提高临床技能
  • Strong 基础 研究生学习
  • 预修课程每学分折扣价250美元 这是在Immaculata拍摄的


这是一种强烈的, full-time cohort-based 程序 that prepares graduates for the nursing licensure exam.


You will complete 55 credits of theoretical and clinical coursework designed to be completed in an accelerated timeframe. 毕业后,您将获得护理学学士学位(B.S.N.) and will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®).

学生可以无缝过渡到Immaculata的 M.S.N. 程序.


第二学位加速课程的学费.S.N. 35,240美元,包括学费和杂费. 需要完成前提课程的学生, can take advantage of the discounted rate of $250 per credit 这是在Immaculata拍摄的.

加速B的代价.S.N. 程序 at Immaculata is significantly less expensive than most other 程序s in the area.

各种类型的融资选择可以帮助学生. For further information, contact the Office of 金融援助 at 484-323-3028, or email finaid@weare-lapaz.com.


The baccalaureate nursing 程序 at Immaculata大学 is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, K街655号, NW, 750套房, 华盛顿, DC 20001, (202) 887-6791.


这是一种强烈的, full-time 程序 that prepares graduates for the nursing licensure exam. 由于这个全日制课程的严格性质, 我们强烈建议你在项目期间不要工作.


  • NUR 200护理概念(3)
  • NUR 202整体护理实践基础(5)
  • NUR 307整体健康评估(4)
  • NUR选修课(e.g, 333病理生理学)(3)


  • NUR 304药理(3)
  • NUR 308整体护理I (5)
  • NUR 311整体护理II (5)


  • NUR 314育龄家庭整体护理(5)
  • NUR 405整体护理III (6)
  • nurr 410护理领导与管理概念(3)


  • NUR 404护理研究(3)
  • NUR 408公共卫生护理概念(5)
  • NUR 435专业实践准备(5)



Students are not required to complete the 程序 prerequisites with Immaculata大学; however, 我们强烈鼓励学生通过我们的护理预科课程这样做.

  • 所有的先决条件课程都以每学分250美元的折扣率完成. (Please note that this discounted tuition does not include lab fees for science courses.)
  • Personalized support and academic advising available to all Pre-Nursing students.
  • 这是一个很好的机会来加强你申请ABSN的队列!

如果你选择在Immaculata之外完成你的先决条件, 请注意,并非所有校外课程都将转学. Before committing time and money towards completing your prerequisites elsewhere, 确保他们会被Immaculata接受.

(You must have completed these science courses within the past seven years with a C+ or higher. 不允许超过两次尝试.)

  • 人类遗传学(3)
  • 微生物学与健康科学(4)
  • 解剖学 & 生理学I (4)
  • 解剖学 & 生理学II (4)
  • 化学概览(4)-必须包括有机成分

(这门课的大部分内容, 成绩在C或C以上, 你会从学士学位转过来吗. 必修理科课程, 护士数学, 和正常营养,  必须以C+或更高的成绩完成.)

  • 护士数学(3)
  • 终身发展(3)
  • 统计数据(3)
  • 医学伦理学(3)
  • 正常营养(3) 必须由注册营养师教授吗
  • 先前学士学位的30个学分
开始 完成 应用程序时间* 决定通知
1月. 2025 2026年5月 3月. 1 - 8月. 1, 2024 2024年4月1日之后
1月. 2026 2027年5月 3月. 1 - 8月. 1, 2025 2025年4月1日以后
*注意: Students can apply to complete pre-requisite coursework through the Pre-Nursing 程序 at any time during the year.

There are two ways to apply to the Accelerated BSN (ABSN)项目 with Immaculata. Please see the above chart for important application deadlines and 程序 start dates.

  • Apply to Pre-Nursing to complete any remaining pre-requisites at a discounted rate of $250 per credit.
  • Apply directly to ABSN if you have 12 or fewer pre-requisite credits left to complete and are applying within specified deadlines in chart above.




  • 地区认可机构的学士学位
    (you can apply to the Pre-Nursing option while still finishing your Bachelor’s degree, but your degree must be conferred before you can be accepted to the ABSN 程序*)
  • GPA 3.0或更高优先
  • 如果你是一名国际学生,请复习这些 其他入学要求.


  1. Complete an online application to Immaculata’s College of Nursing and 健康 Professions.
  2. 选择护理预科作为程序选项. Select the entry term in which you would like to begin taking your prerequisite courses.
  3. 提交所有以前的成绩单 – official transcripts are preferred but unofficial transcripts are acceptable at this stage.
  4. Your application and transcripts will then be reviewed for acceptance into Pre-Nursing. 招生顾问会进行 初步转移信用评估 为你.
  5. You will have the opportunity to take any remaining prerequisites or required courses at Immaculata大学 for a discounted rate of $250 per credit.
  6. You will be emailed instructions to complete your application to the next available Accelerated BSN cohort once you are eligible. 此时此刻, 你将被要求提交所有正式成绩单, 主管的两封推荐信, 教师, 或者雇主和一篇750字的短文,说明你为什么想从事护理工作.
  7. 一旦你的申请完成, your materials will be reviewed for acceptance into the next Accelerated BSN cohort.

在一月份开始任何护理课程之前, 你必须在秋季学期完成以下内容:

  1. 通过tea考试,最低表现水平为精通.
  2. 完成Immaculata护理部门要求的所有许可.
  3. 确认健康保险计划(临床课程要求).
  4. 完成体检, 所有免疫接种, 以及护理部要求的其他临床前合规要求.
  5. Successfully complete the remaining 12 credits of your prerequisite coursework, with a minimum of C+ in all prerequisite science courses within seven years of admission.

*注意: Admission at the Pre-Nursing phase does not guarantee eventual admission into the Accelerated BSN cohort.

基于队列的加速BSN (ABSN)



  • 地区认可机构的学士学位
  • GPA 3.0或更高优先
  • 到秋季学期,未完成的先决条件学分不超过12个
  • 人类遗传学,微生物学,解剖学 & 生理学我 & II, and Chemistry completed within the past seven years with a grade of C+ or higher. 一门必修课只能重修一次. At least 2 of these science courses must be successfully completed in conjunction with grades submitted by July 15.
  • 如果你是一名国际学生,请复习这些 其他入学要求.


  1. 完成BSN加速在线申请.
  2. 选择ABSN作为您的程序选项.
  3. 提交所有以前的成绩单.
  4. 提交两封来自教师、雇主或主管的推荐信.
  5. 提交一篇750字的文章,讨论你为什么想从事护理工作.
  6. 一旦你的申请完成, 您的材料将被审查,以进入下一个ABSN队列.

在一月份开始任何护理课程之前, 你必须在秋季学期完成以下内容:

  1. 通过tea考试,最低表现水平为精通.
  2. 完成Immaculata护理部门要求的所有许可.
  3. 完成体检, 所有免疫接种, 以及护理部要求的其他临床前合规要求.
  4. 确认健康保险计划(临床课程要求).
  5. Successfully complete the remaining 12 credits of your prerequisite coursework, with a minimum of C+ in all prerequisite science courses within seven years of admission.
  6. 提交150美元的ABSN押金.


Tony Pisciella returned to college for an accelerated second bachelor's degree in nursing in order to connect with patients experiencing challenges.



Immaculata’s eight simulation labs help nursing students practice clinical and communication skills and master nursing interventions in a safe environment. 你将学习操作工业标准设备, 管理药物, 检查生命体征,评估患者健康状况. You will participate in realistic clinical scenarios with simulation mannequins, 包括一名母亲和一名婴儿,用于产科和儿科护理. 您还将与作为标准化患者的真人演员进行互动.

在非评判性的, 实验室的安全空间, you will have opportunities to work one-on-one with your professors if you need additional assistance. You will hone your skills with hands-on learning and gain confidence in your abilities.


Find out what an IU education can do 为你r mind, your character and your future.